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Medicare Cost Report Preparation

Cost Reports for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health, Hospice

Home Health Cost Reports

Home Health Medicare Cost Reports report allowable costs to Medicare based on demographic area.

Hospice Cost Reports

Hospice Medicare Cost Reports report allowable costs to Medicare based on demographic area.

Nursing Facility Cost Reports

Skilled Nursing Facility Medicare Cost Reports report allowable costs to Medicare based on demographic area.

Medicaid Cost Report Preparation

Cost Reporting for Medicaid

CPC Cost Reports

CPC Program consists of CBA, PHC or CLASS and agencies provide non-skilled personal attendant services.

 Cost Reports

RC Program provides services for adults who require 24-hour care but doesn't require daily nursing intervention.

DAHS Cost Reports

Day Activity & Health Service facilities provide daytime services, up to 10 hours per day, Monday through Friday.

TxHmL Cost Reports

Texas Home Living provides individualized services and support to people with disabilities in a home setting.

Nursing Facility Cost Reports

Nursing Facilities provide institutional care for those whose medical condition requires skilled care.

Cost Reports 

Intermediate Care Facilities that provide residential and habilitation services to people with disabilities.

Quickbooks Bookkeeping Services

Hospice, Home Health, Medicaid, Skilled Nursing Cost Reporting

Looking for assistance with your bookkeeping?  Not happy with your current arrangement? 

Want more time to focus on growing your business without worrying about keeping your finances caught up?

Currently accepting new Bookkeeping clients - Limited Space Available

QuickBooks Online Required of all clients

Let us help get you set up for a

Free 30 day Trial and 50% off your first 3 months

FIVE Bank or Credit Card accounts included

Reconciliation monthly

Chart of Account clean up and set up available

$2000* for First 3 Months

$500/mth for Months 4+


QuickBooks Online set up or conversion from Desktop

Chart of Accounts review or set up

Reconciliation of 3 mths

Assistance linking all (5) bank and credit card accounts**

Four hours of administrative assistance

*Additional Fees may apply for additional Admin time required for set up, clean up, or conversion. 

Initial payment required as pre-pay, auto pay required for monthly payments

**Additional accounts will result in additional monthly fees.

Pricing may be subject to change based on quantity of transactions, size of company, or quality of original data.

Medical Billing Services

Medical billing and cost report

Custom Billing Packages and Consulting available. 


Example services available:

Claims creation and electronic submission through various software

RA and Payment posting of Insurance and Patient Payments

Claims corrections and Appeals

Research and assistance with Accounts Receivable and Aging

Assistance with Insurance Panel Application

Patient Eligibility Assistance

Patient Statement billing monthly with follow up collections

Currently not accepting new billing clients Aug 2024

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